We'd like to welcome you to the Hoya Hacks Notion. Hoya Hacks is the Georgetown University's annual hackathon! Please review our website and Devpost page for more information and to register for Hoya Hacks. Below you will find answers to many questions you may have regarding Hoya Hacks. Happy hacking and HoyaHaxa.

-The Hoya Hacks Organizer Team
- Do I need to be a college student to register for HH?
- Where will students be accepted into Hoya Hacks from?
- Where is the registration link?
- If I am a HS student, how do I register for HH25?
- I registered for HH25, how do I know if I will be accepted?
- Can I register for HH25 the day of?
- Is parking provided?
- Where is HH25?
- Will travel reimbursement be provided?
- What else will I need to pay for?
Facility & Schedule
- How do I know what events are going on at what time?
- Where do I go once I arrive on campus?
- Where on campus will HH25 take place?